By the time of the 10th radiology World Congress in 1962, the Society was officially founded with Miss D. van Dijk of the Netherlands as the first President. Each of the 15 founder member societies nominated one person from its country to be their Council Member, thus forming the governing body of the International Society.
This award was approved in 2006 and is to be granted only at a World Congress and only with the unanimous agreement of the Board of Directors of the ISRRT.
This award is in honor of the contributions of Dien van Dijk, one of the founders of the ISRRT and who in 1962 become the first President of the ISRRT. The objectives of which she upheld were to assist the education of radiographers and to support the development of medical radiation technology worldwide. This award dedicated to her memory is to honor members of the ISRRT who have shown exceptional service and commitment to the ideals so powerfully demonstrated by Dien Van Dijk.
CRITERIA for nomination:
- 1. Exceptional service to the radiographic community.
- 2. Past or present holder of a recognized position in the ISRRT.
- 3. Recognized activities which reflect the founding principles of the ISRRT
- Assistance in the education of radiographers
- Assistance in the development of the profession of radiography in several countries.
Nominations to be made by any Council or Board member or other individual of a member society. Individual nominated must meet all criteria.
Nominations will be submitted to the CEO who will convene a Committee composed of a Council representative from each of the regions to review and short list the applications received for consideration by the Board of Directors.
Award winners must be unanimously recommended by the Board of Directors.
Award to be presented at Congress Banquet.
This award may or may not be presented at each Congress.