International Commission on Radiological Protection (ICRP) is an independent, international organization with volunteer members who are leading scientists and policymakers in the field of radiological protection.

The work of the ICRP helps to prevent cancer and other diseases and effects associated with exposure to ionizing radiation and to protect the environment.

Founded in 1928 the ICRP publishes reports on all aspects of radiological protection and specific medical applications. Included in these reports are publications that describe an overall system of radiological protection which is accepted worldwide.

The International system of radiological protection was developed by the ICRP based on the current understanding of the science of radiation exposures and effects and value judgements. These value judgements take into account societal expectations, ethics, and experience gained in application of the system.

Both the ICRP recommendations and the UNSCEAR finding were taken into account when developing the IAEA safety standards regarding the principles of protection.

For More information on the ICRP go to the following Website: http://www.icrp.org/

ICRP and the ISRRT:

As the global stakeholder and global voice for more than 500,000 radiographers/radiological technologists in 90 countries the ISRRT takes the opportunity to give public comment on a range of draft publications that are eventually published in the annals of the ICRP.

During the comment period for specific draft publications relating to the medical applications in our profession, the ISRRT reaches out and asks for comments from their members.

The comments received are then combined in one document and submitted in the appropriate public comment manner on the ICRP website in a report from the ISRRT.

Watch for summaries of these reports in the ISRRT News and Views and in the ISRRT’s Board Member annual reports including those presented at each ISRRT World Congress.